
Sorting out my wardrobe

Hi! I am going towards a much more simple and minimalistic living, so lots need to go. To me a simplistic lifestyle means to live with awareness and mindfulness, a well thought out home. I still want to have beautiful things, but they are to be something I really Love, use, and feel very good with. Lately I have been going through all my clothes, shoes and accessories. I have been donating big amounts so far and it feels amazing!! We don't need to go to extremes at once and get rid of large amounts, we can take it slow and do little at a time, it is a process to go towards a more simplistic mindful living. 

My advice for those who wish to bring in more mindfulness in wardrobe and home is to let go of things even tho they may have been important or gifts or is very nice. The only thing that we must ask ourselves and be honest about is; do they serve me and are essential to me, to my needs, and my lifestyle right now? do I use it? do I feel amazing when seeing it? do I absolutely Love it right now or is it a Love for something that is long gone in the past. One more thing to have in mind is to have clothes that are versatile, this way we can make more out of less.

A glimpse of my closet right now, I Love and feel best in white and earthy tones, so this is what I proudly have in my closet mostly. When I need to buy clothes, I try to mostly purchase from thrift stores, this is a good environmental friendly option to buying from ethical manufacturing brands, organic, and fair trade clothing brands, since it is very expensive. Conscious brands or thrifted finds, either way by buying from those we are not supporting the fast fashion giants that has no humane and Gaia friendly manufacturing processes.

I have one pair of blue jeans and one pair of white jeans, this is enough for me since I like to mostly use more casual and soft clothes. In the past I had lots of jeans, when in thruth it wasn't necessary at all, I see now. In the middle I have my white sweatsuit, and at the top I have my shorts and one skirt at the bottom of that little pile. I Love how simple and fresh my wardrobe is now! And I'm dot done yet, this is an ongoing process of course. 

This is a little (very little, yes I have had a lot!) bit of clothes that I've sorted out. 
One good way to sort out clothes and any stuff is to make 3 piles. 
•One for things to donate.
•One for things to sell. 
•One for things to throw away.

I recommend tho that if the sell pile hasn't been sold within a week or so, donate it. There is no need to have piles of sorted out stuff laying around in hopes of someday someone will want to buy it. If there's any interest from people to buy your things, it shows pretty quickly.

I am very happy to have started this journey of mindful living in my home and wardrobe too. It feels wonderful to get rid of old stuff and therefore energetically and physically too make room for new, which may not be stuff - abundance and blessings come in many forms. It is crucial to circulate in this way, circulate energy is what keeps us moving forward, otherwise we get stagnated, our home is stagnated and our life may feel stagnated. Stuff and material things are not meant to distract us or keep us happy, they are here to bring support and practicality and a sense of calm and tranquility. 

I wish you a wonderful day. ~ Lina Louise


Succulent joys

Blessed day beautiful people! Lately I have grown a passion for succulents, I Love their beautiful abundant appearance and their strength. I have merely just a few of them, but it is perfectly enough for me! Yesterday I split up our big aloe indoors plant as it was full of little new babies. It tuned out to be a whole bunch of new ones!

Three of the baby aloes I put in these little pots. These pots has been a little project of mine this last week, they were orange, and I wanted white ones, so I have panted them with a few coats of nice white paint. I put little quartz pieces on top of the soil as a nice toutch, which I absolutely Love!! I am happy to be using this quartz that I have picked here in nature these last few years. I placed them on this white wooden tray, and I put quartz crystal as a gorgeous accent on the tray. Mama Gaia has the best and most beautiful decor huh! 

I let our indoors succulents and other leafy greens stay out in the afternoon sun yesterday to charge and enjoy the light and fresh air. I Love them all so much and it is a joy to see them grow and change.

Here's some of all the aloe babies that I potted. It is wonderful since it is an edible plant, and it also a wonderful skin moisturizer. I simply cut off a leaf and use its inner liquid on my skin sometimes, it feels very refreshing and pure.

Much Love from all my plants and I ~ Lina Louise 


Simplifying after the full moon

Hi! It's been a good while since I posted something here, but I intend to start sharing more from my simple peaceful life here on my beloved blog. It is a beauty in sharing and hopefully along they way inspire too in some way. But I do fully feel that the most sacred and truly valuable things is not freely shared and given. It is about a deep self respect, values, and also honor of alls sacred journeys to keep the most sacred parts and moments private. To me, these most sacred things is never in need for attention or to be freely given, as it would ruin it's true value. We are god/goddesses walking this planet. Our own self respect is crucial, and we must respect everybody just as much by letting them discover and find out their own magic instead of tag along someone else's. For it is all up to our own imagination, this is how source creates and it is no difference for us. So never ever believe someone else's "truth" is better or more important, for it is merely their own perspective and level of understanding. Something may resonate with us for a while, but never hesitate to move on and let go of things.

Personally it has indeed been an intense phase since this full moon we had. So much is shifting and my inner state and values are expanding and go though a deep change. To me all these things gone through these last few days has brought me an even deeper awareness of how easy it is to put focus and energy into stagnated beliefs, dreams and things.
I am sure many of you feel the intensity as of late, and my greatest advice is to slow down, take a step "back" and observe more. Simplify, simplify, simplify. When we truly look with fully open eyes and minds, there's lots we can release and let go of. 

Have a beautiful day! Simplify, slow down and be present ~ Lina Louise 


Divine Heart Centered Goodness

Blessings, beloved family of Love-Light. I feel to share about the magic of stepping out of truth. Sharing, talking, discussing and searching truth is a common thing amongst the "spiritual" people, but it may not be what will actually shift our reality and world. 

Our world will not truly be transformed and changed into a peaceful reality by any sort of "truth", wether we believe it to be the highest truth, the ultimate truth, or call it a spiritual truth. It will not be transformed by us defending or discussing our truth/beliefs about life, about what's wrong and bad with the world/others, about how to create a peaceful loving world, what we should or shouldn't to to live as masters, or what we see as the truth. None of this is really helping to shift the world and our own immediate reality. It can give short satisfaction and it can help us move into another level of consciousness yes, but it will only take us to a certain point, it will not take us to the deepest of heart centered peace, simplicity and goodness, which is what has the power to shift and create realities of peace and harmony.

The moment we fully step out of the limited realm of truth and let go of the excitement we get from this realm, we open up a whole new chapter. The chapter we open up I call the chapter of divine heart centered goodness. Here in this space, there is no interest in knowing or searching "truth", and all the drama that comes with that, especially in relationships of all sorts, between friends, family, coworkers, intimate ones, and the relationship with all in existence. No matter how much we know, study, and how much we live our truth and share our truth, if it doesn't make us feel good and happy on deep levels, and if it doesn't make us have harmonious Loving connections with others, we must start to see that there's something not working. 
If we can't get along with others in this never ending truth realm, and it just limits us, how is this really helping to create a new simple Loving, peaceful reality?

Whatever we give our focus and attention (energy) to, is what we "feed", no matter how bad and wrong we believe the thing/situation/persons/circumstance to be. Live and be what you wish to see. It starts with each and every one of us, living goodness and peace.
In the realm beyond truth, there is no defending, discussing, correcting others, or endlessly searching for truth and campaigning our current truth. All this is just limiting us, it creates disharmony and breakups in all types of relationships, which most of us may know and have experienced in some way.

So it is about letting go of fear. Fear is the reason we hold on to truths and labels of any sort, and it is the reason we feel threatened/defensive.

May we respect and be good to ourselves and others. May we breathe deep, be the breath, and within divine goodness meet everyone exactly where they are.
So much Love and blessings to you.
I Love You ~ Lina Louise <3


Happy December

Happy December! Blessings, beloved hearts, may you all have a wonderful start of this amazing month. We still haven't gotten any snow here, so I am enjoying the beautiful green moss, but definitely looking forward to when the snow start falling down, can't make those snow angels in moss;P 

We had a most beautiful golden sunset today, open up and receive the harmony from it and from our crystal beings. The crystals message for us all for this last month of 2015 is to enjoy, relax, count our blessings, and notice all the things in our life to feel grateful for. Trust life, trust the universe, align in heart space and enjoy heart centered simplicity and magic. 

I wish you a peaceful harmonious December. So much Love and so many golden blessings from my heart to yours. I Love You ~ Lina Louise <3


Happy 11-11

Happy 11-11, beloved ones <3 I wish you a most beautiful harmonious peaceful day. I am celebrating our own inner balance, wholeness and sacred marriage in full oneness, complete unification. Breathe deep, trust fully, stay relaxed, and simply enjoy this gateway. Breathe golden pure Light in, breathe it out to all of creation, and let it fill your whole being.

Gratitude for the gorgeous weather we are having here today. It is sunny and beautiful, it is truly such an amazing fall!

So much Love, blessings and harmony to you all, bright shining hearts. 
I Love You ~ Lina Louise <3


11-11 Gateway and New Moon in Scorpio

Blessings, beloved hearts. May you all be having a harmonious start of the week. Tomorrow we have this most powerful 11-11 gateway with opportunities to raise even more in Love. We have and are shifting so much and are now letting these 11-11 energies coming from our own inner gateway and "out there" too as one into our hearts to allow us to shine even brighter with our Love. We are also feeling deeply now with this Scorpio new moon, we are deeply in the moment, right here and now. This helps us and supports us beautifully in moving forth fresh now, and embrace New.
We are now entering a balanced phase in our lives where we can create so much, and allow forth all of our bright Love-Light as the golden masters that we are. Our blueprints are activating and we are remembering beyond words how we create and co-create in divine oneness. We are shedding any old/outgrown doubts, dreams, or limiting behaviors to be able to embrace this new chapter fully!
There is such a stunning feel in the air of tranquility and balance. Expansion is strong and more remembrance of our Master self is coming forth for us to live.
Love and Mastery is simple, it is not something to keep track of and it certainly never makes us feel we need to do more or have more to be in happiness and bliss. It is about embracing and Loving what was, what is, and allowance of what will be.
I wish you all a most wonderful 11-11 and new moon experience. Honor you, honor all, breathe deep and let the magic of creation bring you awe and gratitude. We are in this together and together we support and help each other in endless of different ways.

So much Love and many blessings to you.
I Love You ~ Lina Louise <3