

Harmonious blissful day to You <3 

Yesterday a big shift was felt, a lot, lol, and many seem to have felt/feel it. There has been solar flares, so no wonder we got all shaken up;) This phase we are in Now seem to have so much potential for profound expansion. Our own inner empowerment, strength, and clarity seem to grow, big time! This is what I and many felt for September and indeed it is so. Lots of shedding of the old, dropping yet another veil so that another reality can be embraced and experienced in the New. There are lots of opportunities for fresh and clear starts, within and without. But we are the ones who got to take action of course, through centeredness, groundedness, and with an open heart and mind- we will feel which road to take in every moment. We can trust that it will bring us whatever we desire and have intended. 

Remember that things rarely comes the way we expect them to. This is why it is good to release expectations in this way. Through us following our heart/inner guidance fully and take action on it, we can be sure that all is and will be for the highest good for ourselves and all that is, no matter how it might seem at times.

As I feel this shift and have entered a new phase, amongst things I have gotten lovely new ideas for my art. In June I started to create my Raw Clear Quartz Pendants. They are very dear and precious to me and today I organized my quartz so that I can expand even more in this and make more pendants. Mmmm, yummy to be surrounded by these beauties ;P
In the background You can get a glimpse of my Newest Creations, heart ornaments. They are all unique and cut by hand, and I will pant them and make them Magical. <3

My grandparents gave me cherries that they have harvested in their garden so I made an amazing cherry smoothie <3 The taste of it brought me straight to Cherry Heaven ;) Will share the recipe after this post.

Enjoy this phase of powerful expansion, stay open, conscious, deeply grounded and centered. Within pure Love, there is so much Magic, miracles and beauty beyond imagination to be experienced, Created, and felt.
I Love You <3

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