
Hello November

Blessings, beloved hearts <3 I hope you all are doing well and are having a peaceful start of November. It has been a harmonious time for me, and I am enjoying hermit mode.
There is a need for deep source intimacy and focus on close surroundings. 
I have been working on new art and divine jewelry pieces. I am so proud of them and I hope to share it with you all very soon.

I picked two oracle cards for us all for this present moment and throughout this beautiful month. It is so beneficial to keep things simple and focus on the basics, here and now, and make the very best of it, of what we have and what we create. May we see the light, beauty and Love in people and in ourselves. Feel gratitude for all, for our lives, for our loved ones and for what we have. Listen to your heart, it is your life, live it and create it in accordance to your deep desires, and know that only you know what is best for you. By trusting and following your heart, you move into timelines that supports your highest good and supports your growth, you help to bring forth the new golden earth reality, and you help to uplift all of creation. We are all doing great!

I wish you all a most wonderful new month. So much Love, harmony, and blessings to you.
I Love You ~ Lina Louise 

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